Tuesday, July 15, 2014


The Children's Museum Tucson was on the TV show today demonstrating the properties of Ooblek, which is a mixture of corn starch and water.  Depending on how it's handled, it can take on the properties of a liquid or the properties of a solid.

I was able to shoot some fun Kenparazzi photos of the segment including the hosts throwing stuff as part of the segment.  Throwing stuff makes fun TV (and photos!).

Ooblek - a mixture of corn starch and water.
Bre from the Children's Museum Tucson demonstrated
it's unique liquid to solid properties.

Throwing a plastic egg and a plastic bag that contained
a real egg with ooblek onto the table.
This demonstrated how the solid properties of ooblek
cushioned the egg in the bag.

The plastic egg popped apart into two pieces.
The plastic bag with the real egg and ooblek
hit a cup of corn starch on the tables and sent
corn starch powder flying.

The corn starch went all over.

Making a mess!