Friday, March 6, 2015

Meeting the Edwards Twins

I met the Edwards Twins today (Anthony and Eddie), "America's Identical Twin Celebrity Illusionists". They bill themselves as two brothers, 100 stars.

They are amazing at what they do. They sing all of the music of the stars they impersonate, and although they play to packed houses in cities like Las Vegas and New York, they are relatively unknown in Tucson although they are originally from here.

They're doing two shows at the Fox Theatre on Sunday and they appeared on our TV show to promote their event. (Click here to visit their website)

I had to get a picture with them -- because it kind of looks like they're two brothers from another mother. In other words, we look like we could be related. It made for an awesome photo.

The Edwards Twins and Ken Carr
We could be triplets.
All three of us definitely have fabulous hair.