Friday, March 12, 2010

Tucson Festival of Books

The Tucson Festival of Books is this weekend on the University of Arizona campus tomorrow and Sunday.

Its a big deal from what it sounds like with authors, books, panels and discussions. (Its free if you want to attend open from 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. both days.)

I am on a list of moderators on their website even though I didn't agree to participate. I considered it but felt I wouldn't be good for two reasons: 1.) I read a whole book approximately once every ten years and 2.) I wouldn't know any of the authors, books, or own an argyle sweater, pipe or slippers (my perception of the required wardrobe for reading a book).

I wouldn't even know how to moderate a panel at a book festival. "So, you chose white pages with black print. Why did you go with that?"

I will gladly volunteer my local celebrity-ness for most anything. Except for being a judge at a food / cooking competition (that comes with a nightmare back in the day for me involving tasting over 50 kinds of salsa in an hour and getting a stomach ache and runny nose while nursing hangover and having a car accident on the way to the event) and a book festival moderator. I have to stick with what I know. If a "Bacon: The Best Second Meat On A Bun Festival" or "I Talk A Lot In Quiet Places And Laugh At My Own Lame Jokes Festival" needs a local celebrity to be present I'll be at the front of the line!