Monday, October 11, 2010

Kenparazzi: Cosmic Bingo on Oct 9 2010

Anthony and I went to play Cosmic Bingo on Saturday October 9 at Casino Del Sol.

We sat with our friends Rick, Shawn, Daniel, and across from Chuck George from KOLD TV.

First I had to feel for host Lucinda Holliday who had spent all day at Reid Park for Pride in the Park and was pretty darned pooped.

Daniel got a chance to roll the big ass dice and rolled a winning seven.

Chuck won the coverall bingo game that got him into the money machine and scored nearly $500 bucks.  He asked me for some tips and the advice I gave him was helpful because he did pretty well.

Here's the counting of his dough.

My advice wasn't quite good enough I realized afterward because he didn't tip me.  Oh well.